Peter Andrews about June, 1967:
I booked the Who for this date, and I’m pretty sure the was their first live date in the U.S. This was certainly their 1st tour. I also managed the Thyme, who was one of the opening acts. I also booked Jimi Hendrix, Procal Harum (sp), and the Yardbirds at the same venue. For the Who the local group, SRC, acted as their hosts for their time in Ann Arbor, and believe me, a good time was had by all. Later, at the Grande Ballroom in Det., Roger Daltrey asked me “Do you really think we are going to make it.” I assured him that they were going to be huge. What fun, and stuff like this happened in Ann Arbor all the time. I produced about 350 concerts during that time (l965-74).