John about July 14th, 1967:
“As I recall in the dimming fog of memory, that HERMAN’S HERMITS opened for the lads. (Or was it the other way round?) Either way; That concert performance changed everything.”
John about July 14th, 1967:
“As I recall in the dimming fog of memory, that HERMAN’S HERMITS opened for the lads. (Or was it the other way round?) Either way; That concert performance changed everything.”
R. Cunningham has a different location for The Who’s concert on June 30, 1980. He writes:
“You may wish to research the location for the June 30, 1980 concert. I think you may find that it was performed at Tempe, Arizona, United States, University Activity Center on the campus of Arizona State University.”
I know this venue, but John Perry from The Only Ones, who supported the Who in 1980, says, that the band played in Phoenix. Any help is recommended.
I could have sworn the concert you have listed as 1 July 1970 was actually in 1971. Staple singers opened for the Who. I had front row seats. Pete had all sorts of equipment problems that night.
I think the Who were booked at the A.T.
July 1st.,2nd. and 4th. 1971. The concert listed as 17 August 1971 was in 1970.
I’m not sure about the July 1st, 1970 show. But the August show is not from 1970, because of the setlist. It’s typically 1971 stuff. Any help is welcome.
I got different infos about The Who’s show at the University of Kent in Canterbury, on May 8th 1970. Joe McMichaeland “Irish” Jack Lyons have another city for this date: Liverpool University. The concert add from the New Musical Express shows this date with Genesis. Now I got an Email from Dave Sheather, who writes:
I was a regular at Kent University gigs around 1970 and I never saw the Who there,which I definitely would have gone to. I remember seeing Genesis supporting headliners Fairport Convention in 1970
the Richard Thompson /Dave Swarbrick line up
Because of the Concert Add in New Musical Express I’m not sure about the concert. Any info is welcome.
I’m looking for infos about an Entwistle show in 1996/1997. Eric Loy saw the John Entwistle Band at McGuffy’s in Dayton, Ohio. They were painfully loud!
Any info is welcome!
Colin Carter talks about warm up gigs in June 1972:
Before they went on the tour that you have on the guide, they did a series of “warm up” gigs to trial the new material. One of them was done at the Top rank ballroom in Sunderland – tickets cost 50p!!!!!! Amazing gig.
Any help is welcome.
I’m working on version 6.2 of the Guide. The first new feature is the new section Who Is Who. Here you will find infos about the members of The Who’s bands. You can take a look at the demo here.
Alan Davies about two missing shows. Any help is welcome:
I was at the Canterbury Show cannot remember the exact date though I was living in Eastbourne, me and mates drove up there, cannot remember Genisis though but thats not why we were there. Also around 30th May 1970 they played the Great Hall in Exeter University. I have some instamatic photos of that one. Pete in blue t shirt and white brace and bib. Keith John and followers and the Bentley went to the Quay club by the river Exe afterwards in Exeter,caused the usual mayhem for a while and left. My brother was Royal marine band at Lympstone at that time and he knew where the uni bands went for a drink afterwards. Pete was probably in his camper at that time.
Michael Hamrick sent an Mail concercing The Who’s show in Anaheim in June 1970:
I’ve got a guitar that supposedly was smashed by Pete Townsend at this show. I’m looking for verification from those who completed/rated this show that they remember Pete smashing a guitar at this show. I have reason to believe that Pete has no memory of this, but I’m wondering if you have any email addresses from those who indicated their attendence at this show on this date. This would help greatly.
I began working on the Concert Guide again. Chris is working on a section called “Who’s Whoâ€, adding portraits to the members of the bands. If you have any infos about people like Jon Carin, Michael Serveris etc. then please write a mail to
We are adding a “Venues-sectionâ€, too. Here you will find infos about a venue including all the shows The Who, Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey or John Entwistle have played there.
More infos and a demo will follow.